– Surviving Broke January –
This month is all about being more conscious with our spending.
Budget Friendly – Refill Option is available ✨
Special promotion is on for a set of 1L Amulet with a soap saving foaming dispenser.
This light weight bottle pairs great with Amulet, organic hand and body cleanser!
Simply add Amulet and press the dispenser for foamy soap that will last you longer than traditional soap.
It is also perfect for dispensing hand sanitizer, shampoo, dishwashing liquid and body wash.
Made to last, and will look great in your bathroom and kitchen area.
Enjoy Fluffy Amulet 💛
Foaming Soap Dispenser
•Requires less soap and water
•Refillable wide mouth design for easy filling & cleaning
•Pump head, sturdy and durable
•Convenient and labor saving